

ethan feuer as a humorous piece of graffitiEthan Feuer is a writer and designer living in Philadelphia. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Best American Experimental Fiction, The Indiana Review, Tin House, Electric Lit, and elsewhere. His illustrations appear in Meander, Spiral, Explode (Catapult, 2019). He holds a BArch from Rice University and an MFA from the University of Virginia, where he was a Poe-Faulkner Fellow and 2017 Henfield Prize runner-up. He is the grateful recipient of fellowship support from Tin House and Tent writing conferences, a Margaret Everson-Fossi Traveling Fellowship, M.N. Davidson Fellowship, and Soon Chan Memorial Scholarship. He is at work on a novel.

Design work (at DIGSAU, Architecture Research Office, and VMDO), includes projects for Brooklyn Bridge Park, Tulane University, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Virginia Tech, and a fashion-forward chicken coop. See freelance graphic design and illustration work here.

Get in touch: hellofold(at)gmail(dot)com